We, humans, will be the ultimate victims of our own destructive actions on planet Earth!

"What if we choose to eradicate ourselves from this Earth, by whatever means? The Earth goes nowhere. And in time, it will regenerate...
...And all the lakes will be pristine. The rivers, the waters, the mountains...
...Everything will be green again. It´ll be peaceful. There may not be people, but Earth will regenerate. And you know why? Because the Earth has all the time in the world...
...And we don´t.
So, I think that´s where we´re at, right now."

By Oren Lyons in The 11th Hour

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


According to this website, ZorBuddha "is a project whose mission is to help people, organizations, and society at large to live happier and more balanced days. It provides sustained and scientifically credible tools, methods, and processes that help to develop integrated well-being."

In this link you will find a 90 days free programme that "brings together a set of teachings and techniques related to health, wellness, and happiness, from authors in fields such as positive psychology, integrative medicine, wellness coaching, mindfulness, and interpersonal neurobiology. The ZorBuddha tool, when used consistently will help to develop positivity, balance and focus."

De acordo com o website, ZorBuddha "consiste num projecto cuja missão é ajudar pessoas, 
organizações e sociedade em geral a encontrarem um caminho mais feliz e equilibrado no seu dia-a-dia. Para isso disponibiliza ferramentas, métodos e processos credíveis e sustentados cientificamente que permitem o desenvolvimento de um bem-estar integral."

Neste link irá encontrar um programa de 90 dias gratuito que reúne "num mesmo local um conjunto de ensinamentos, técnicas e métodos directamente relacionados com a saúde, o bem-estar e a felicidade, provenientes de diferentes autores e áreas do saber (ex. psicologia positiva, medicina integrativa, wellness coaching, mindfulness, neurobiologia interpessoal, entre outras)." A ferramenta ZorBuddha, quando usada de forma consistente, irá permitir o desenvolvimento de uma atitude positiva, equilibrada e centrada.

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